Honestly Offended; Honestly Thankful!

If I’m being totally honest, I’m offended on a daily basis by how many people in the media portray conservative people like me to be waging a war on women, simply because I abhor abortion and think religious institutions, companies or anyone else should not be forced to pay for abortions with tax dollars, let alone pay for everybody’s contraception. Seems to me, the real “war on women” is being waged by Islam.

I’m offended we have a President who would rather have a baby that survives abortion be left to die, because he is more concerned about the original intent of the mother’s “choice”.

I’m offended everyday by those who constantly claim that conservative people like me, hate homosexuals, simply because we believe the sanctity of marriage should be reserved for one man and one woman. Hey, news flash, President Obama claimed to believe the same thing up until a few months ago, but I never heard anyone accusing him of being a gay basher. I don’t want to take away anyone’s freedom to be anything they want to be in this country, but don’t take away my freedom to stand up for my beliefs. I sure don’t want anyone to lose basic freedoms or be killed because of their sexuality, but conservatives are attacked over this daily. The truth is that in Islamic controlled parts of the world, homosexual behavior can result in the death penalty.

On another point; our tax dollars have helped fund artists efforts who depict the crucifix in a glass of urine. Were Christians offended by this??? Sure! Did anyone die over it? I don’t think so. What if Mohammad was depicted in this fashion? Would the artist of that piece of work be responsible for the actions of individuals Muslims worldwide? In reference to this film that caused such a fury, I totally disagree that this filmmaker has any responsibility for the actions of individual Muslims resulting in four U.S. deaths. I’m speaking out against Islam at this very moment, so if someone gets killed in another country or right next door, am I responsible? Freedom of Speech is at stake and the strange thing is that so many Liberals think conservatives are the culprits. I don’t care how many liberals want to start their own talk shows, or tv shows, ect. It’s America…have at it, speak up, but don’t expect conservatives to shut up!

Also, I’m exhausted about people pointing out the illegitimacy of Fox News. However, I don’t usually say anything about it, because everyone has a right to say whatever they want to about Fox news. But, if it is being suggested that MSNBC, CNN, and CBS report without extreme bias towards left leaning viewpoints, then I’m totally confounded. Great thing is….we can agree to be confounded about each others beliefs without fear of retribution, other than possibly losing a few facebook friends.

I’m beginning to think this act of terrorism on 09/11/2012 had less to do with a film insulting Mohammad or Islam, than it was about being a planned attack in retaliation for drone strikes taking out other top al-Qaeda leaders. If by chance, this is the case, then would the person who ordered the drone strikes be responsible for the four US deaths? No. If we think like this, then we are submitting to the wishes of those who don’t cherish the freedoms our soldiers lay down their lives for on a daily basis.

You don’t stop the bully on the playground by submitting to the bully. Sure, things on the playground might be more peaceful…temporarily, but at some point, you have to confront the bully, to find real peace (I learned this 30 years ago by watching the Andy Griffith show). It just so happens that Sharia Law is the rule of law laid down by the Bully on the playground. It cannot co-exist with the U.S. constitution.

One man’s opinion, but I think the anger over this “film” was simply used as one more excuse to follow the tenets of Islam. Remember what they shouted as they stormed our Embassy and shredded our flag? Probably not, because it was hardly reported! From what I understand, they shouted “Obama, Obama, there are still a billion Osamas!” Catch that? A Billion Osamas? So, are we really supposed to believe that those who hold these radical Islamic beliefs are the minority of muslims? Yes, we are; and we are also supposed to believe that conservatives such as me are the “real radicals” who pose the greatest threat to American Civilization. Yes, we are!

Again, I’m offended. More than that, I’m thankful I’m offended! I’m thankful that I live in a country where others have the freedom to offend me on a daily basis. But let me say this…I’m also offended that our President felt it necessary to apologize for the freedom of speech we hold so dear; that our President has no problem with offending conservative citizens on a regular basis, claiming they are leading a “war on women”, but can barely utter the words “war on terror”. Yes, I’m offended, but I’m offended with a thankful heart. God bless America!