Life, Liberty and the Assurance of Happiness…I guess if I believed healthcare should be a right, then I would concurrently believe that housing, clothing and food should be a right…I mean, these basic needs may potentially be even more important to many people on a daily basis.  Thus, a Doctor should be forced to provide any service he is able to provide, even if the patient can’t pay for it and even more so if it goes against his conscience.   Realistically, the tax-payer should pay for all this and the government should have total control over what treatments should be provided and what medicines should be distributed.

But then again, people shouldn’t be burdened with a mortgage and banks shouldn’t expect hard working people or ” lazy people” for that matter, to pay for their unaffordable housing.  The taxpayer should ensure that everyone has a roof over their head and the government should have total control over deciding who gets what size house and how many bedrooms they need, which is already being discussed in some European Countries where Senior Citizens are taking up way too much space, holding onto three bedroom houses and depriving the younger thriving population from much needed space, those selfish seniors should be ashamed!  They should also be cleaning out their closet space anyway, to redistribute their clothes to healthier people who get out far more.

The dollar, which some would argue is being purposely inflated, should be done away with and every citizen should be given a Debit card for the purchase of clothes and food.  In fact, to help with global warming, the government should issue laws to discontinue the allowance of clothing colors.  All clothing will be white and all food should be monitored.

Twinkies should be outlawed for anyone over fifty and rationed for anyone under fifty…lawbreakers should be hit with a Twinkie tax.  Each family will be given the allowance of one car, which will be a Chevy Volt, end of story.  Only government employees and politicians will be given waivers to own gasoline powered vehicles.

Oh yeah, and all contraception, vasectomies and abortions will be issued “FREE of Charge” and mandated in all health insurance plans provided by anyone stupid enough to start a business.  All business start ups would be better initiated by the government which truly knows best.

Let’s not forget that Rush Limbaugh should be banned from the airwaves and possibly indicted for his racial and culturally divisive rants.  However, for the good of society in general, the government will provide waivers for wonderful movie producers such as Michael Moore and rappers such as Lil Wayne and non-controversial left leaning liberal media personalities, who only have the good of the country at heart, fully recognizing there is no major media bias on the left, only on the right, by those crazy tea-bagging (obvious non-threatening, positive language with well-meaning discourse intended) gun-toting, redneck creationists clinging to their guns and religion…meaning our less intelligent brothers and sisters in Christ, who have a hard time dealing with reasoning skills, because they are so irrational.

China will be praised.  The United States pro-choice government will provide parents with a choice, to have one child, one boy or one girl, twins will not be tolerated.  However, twins can be aborted at no extra charge.  Violators of this pro-choice law will be heavily taxed, with an accelerated human production fee.   Breastfeeding will be mandated, due to the reduction of cows in response to the increase of green house gases produced by cattle continually plagued with constant flagellation.  The White House will be afforded a fully renewable, unlimited, White Milk waiver for their favorite cereal, Trix.

This is life, liberty, health care, housing, clothing, sustenance and the assurance of happiness, guaranteed by the declaration of “dependence”, ensuring individual rights should simply trample over individual freedoms….Freedom is so overrated anyhow and entirely subjective for that matter!  Apparently, one man’s trash is another man’s freedom and one man’s freedom should be thrown in the trash.